Website Terms of Use

1. Declaration of acceptance of the terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions applicable to access, consultation or use of this WEB page or for connecting to it from another WEB site are established below. By accessing this WEB Page and “browsing” it, you express your acceptance of these terms and conditions and your consent to be bound by what is established therein. If you do not agree in whole or in part to these terms and conditions, we invite you to leave the site.

INFODEC S.A.S may freely modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice, which will be available on this website. We invite you to periodically consult them.

2. Ownership of the content.
The ownership of the content of this website belongs to INFODEC S.A.S, its affiliated companies or third parties with all rights reserved. The brands, brands, trade names, graphics, images, drawings, designs and any other type of intellectual property contained in this website, as well as its contents, including but not limited to, texts, graphics, music, sound , photographs, videos, images, logos, icons, software and any other material (“The Content”) is protected under national copyright laws, industrial property laws and other applicable laws. Unauthorized use of the Content may constitute a violation of Colombian or foreign copyright laws, industrial property laws or other laws. Consequently, the Content may not be used, modified, copied, reproduced, transmitted or distributed under any conditions, unless with the prior, express and written consent of INFODEC S.A.S or the legitimate owner of the content in question. .

3. Use of the WEB Page.
INFODEC S.A.S maintains this WEB page exclusively for the information and education of its users and clients. You access this site freely and at your own risk. The use, access or navigation of this WEB Page by its users must be done taking into account, among others, the following particular conditions.

to. All laws, rules and regulations applicable to the use, access and consultation of Internet Sites must be complied with.
b. You are prohibited from distributing, modifying, altering, copying, transmitting, publishing, reverse engineering, selling or using the Content in any way.
c. It is prohibited to include material that is obscene, defamatory, abusive, threatening, vulgar, racist, scandalously sexist, provocative, pornographic, irreverent, and offensive, for INFODEC S.A.S., third parties or any other user or that constitutes a crime or criminal conduct under the laws. current. If this restriction is not complied with, INFODEC S.A.S will collaborate with the authorities in the corresponding investigations.
d. It is prohibited to take advantage of this Website to carry out any commercial activity, political propaganda or of any nature, to advertise goods or services not authorized by INFODEC S.A.S, to promote membership in groups or organizations not previously authorized by INFODEC S.A.S.
and. It is prohibited to use this Website to implant, send, distribute or transmit any virus or harmful or potentially harmful computer program, as well as any program that is intended to damage the operation, access, use or content of this Website, or prevent or limit access or use of it by other users. INFODEC S.A.S will contribute to the authorities to carry out the corresponding investigations.
F. Downloading the Content is prohibited without the express authorization of INFODEC S.A.S. Only the Content specifically available for download may be downloaded.
INFODEC S.A.S reserves the right to deny or suspend access to the Website by any user who is unaware of these terms and conditions, without prior notification. Likewise, INFODEC S.A.S reserves the right to withdraw, delete or modify any part or all of the information published or sent by users if in its opinion such information is inappropriate, illegal, inconvenient or contrary to these terms and conditions.

4. Information or materials of the user of the Website.
The information, personal data or not, images or any content sent, published or uploaded by users on the Website may be freely used by INFODEC S.A.S for any purpose related to its business activity, regardless of whether or not they are confidential or constitute intellectual property of the user or the user has any right to use or dispose of it, since by sending or uploading them to the Website it is understood that the user is