InnovationGP is a solution for companies to make the most of the creative intelligence of both internal members (employees) and external allies (suppliers, clients, allies, academics, etc.).

InnovationGP unifies the efforts of members and allies around solving critical problems, identifying opportunities and developing new businesses.

How to Use InnovationGP in Your Company?

Transform ideas into innovative solutions that generate value.

The platform allows customization of the innovation funnel for idea migration. Different stages or gates can be defined according to each organization’s innovation model. This matures, strengthens, and implements ideas into innovative solutions that add value to organizations.

Manage reports

Through this functionality, you can get real-time reports of what’s happening on the platform, enabling sophisticated analysis for your innovation programs. Statistical data reports can be obtained based on platform usage, broken down by users, site overview, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly summaries, and more.

Create innovation focuses or challenges.

The platform allows creation and launch of challenges that stimulate idea generation from the interested community. Ideation challenge definition enables initiative generation around a specific theme or problem within a defined timeframe. It also facilitates concentrating creative efforts of a community, through focused idea exercises, in identifying innovative solutions that drive achievement of each company’s objectives. There are open Innovation challenges and Local challenges.

Do You Know What an Innovation Season Is?

The season unfolds over a specific period of time, during which activities are held to stimulate creativity focused on priority themes to ensure event strategic alignment.

Winning ideas of the season are selected by internal or external experts to the company, and the proponents of these ideas receive rewards and recognition for their creative merits. These innovative ideas feed into the annual planning cycles of each organization to strengthen portfolios of initiatives or projects for the following year.

Turning this practice into a periodic event ensures incorporation of innovation as a sustainable process, an element of organizational culture, and a company’s capability.

Learn More About Success Cases with InnovationGP and How to Implement an Innovation Season